The trend of companies offering remote work to employees has consistently grown by nearly 50% over the last five years. More recently, we have seen the number of people working from home skyrocket in the era of ‘social distancing’ – which makes it more important than ever to strive for success as a remote salesperson.
Working from home has a lot of benefits, but it also requires a lot of self-discipline and focus.
If you are new to working from home, you may have realized that motivating yourself to work efficiently when you are surrounded by all of the comforts and distractions in your own home can be a real challenge.
To make sure that you’re able to remain productive, even when you take your work away from the office, here are a few useful tips for achieving success as a remote salesperson.
How to Succeed as a Remote Salesperson
There are many factors that contribute to a remote salesperson’s success. With a growing number of remote workers, I put together this list to ensure you can excel in this field.
Keep a Daily Routine in Place
Routines and productivity go hand-in-hand. If you want to keep a daily routine, my greatest suggestion is to master the art of creating lists.
Your ability to make lists and organize them, and then find the discipline to follow them is the key to success. All successful people make lists, so if success is your end goal this is a great place to start.
Create an Organized Sales Follow-up Process
Don’t let any leads slip through the cracks. Once you talk to a customer, ensure you have a follow-up process in place. Recap what you discussed and follow up immediately.
Leverage Phone Calls
One of the many benefits of working remotely is your quiet home allows for an uninterrupted 1-on-1 conversation with prospects. When you talk to customers, pay very close attention to their words and make sure to deliver on your promises.
Utilize video messaging and live demonstrations
Use tools like Zoom to connect beyond the keyboard. Your future, income, and quality of life will depend on your ability to adequately utilize video messaging and live demonstrations. We are so lucky in the age of technology, that even though we are socially distant, we can feel like we are communicated face to face through video messaging.
Focus on results, not time
Measure your effectiveness by how much you have achieved, not how many hours you have worked. One of the most important things you will learn in any field of work is the outcome or your results. You want to focus on the sales you’ve generated not necessarily how long it took you to reach that goal.
Practice effective virtual communication
If this is a new concept for you, start reading everything you can on virtual communication. There is a learning curve to this, but once you have it down you will be on the road to success. Practicing effective virtual communication is important for speaking with your prospects and co-workers.
Discover Client Communication Preferences
Find out the best way to communicate with your clients. Everyone navigates virtual communication in their own way. If you make the client’s life easier, they will be more likely to buy what you are selling.
How to Get Results as a Remote Salesperson
Success for a salesperson is measured by results. You can implement all of the above techniques, but will not truly be successful if you can not close the deal. Dramatically increase your likelihood of closing deals with my Closing Techniques Battlecard.