Achieving success is important for most of us. From receiving academic awards and accolades to becoming the best version of ourselves, being successful can be a contributor to overall happiness.
Why stay away from toxic people?
However, one of the most overlooked reasons for lack of success is due to the company we keep. Your level of advancement in life is directly affected by the types of people you choose to spend your time with. That’s why you must choose them wisely.
In my experience, there are three kinds of toxic people that are detrimental to your success.
3 Types of toxic people to stay away from
1. The “Drainers” or “Energy Swappers”
Have you ever been in a fantastic mood, and then talk to someone who makes you feel horrible afterwards? If you said yes, this is what it feels like to have your positive energy drained and replaced with someone else’s negative energy.
You experienced what I call energy swapping. Drainers are constantly buried in drama and chaos, then they come to you to feed off your positivity. They are physical, emotional, and mental vampires. After interacting with them, you go from happy to sad, depressed, and completely stressed out.
To be successful, you must stay focused, have a winning mindset, and maintain high levels of energy. It’s impossible to do that if you constantly allow toxic people to dump their problems and life’s woes on your shoulders.
If there’s someone who constantly zaps your positivity, energy, and focus, you have a drainer in your circle.
2. The “Complainers” or “Finger Pointers”
I think we have all met this type of person at some point. No matter what happens in their life, whether it is good or bad, they are constantly complaining. They never have anything good to say about themselves, their lives, or others.
If you hang around this person too long, you may find yourself complaining about the same things they do. Eventually, you will become unappreciative of the positive things happening in your life, because you are always pointing out what’s wrong.
Complainers are toxic people who never take accountability for their actions. They place the blame on everything but themselves. This mindset is what fuels their constant whining about what they don’t have, what they want, and what they feel they deserve.
Change will never come without being responsible and accepting the fact that it’s up to YOU to make things happen. Every constant complainer I have met is nowhere near accomplishing any worthwhile goals they may have.
As it is so easy to have something to complain about and life never rewards complainers, stay as far away from them as much as possible.
3. The “Shamers” or “Mind Bullies”
Out of all three toxic people, this type is the most harmful to your personal and professional growth. A shamer is always trying to look down on everything you do, think, or say. No matter what accomplishment you achieve, they try to mock you and make you feel inadequate.
This is their approach not only to you, but to everyone around them. They make fun of everything from your clothes, to how you talk, who your friends are, and even your family. Shamers are so hazardous to your life because their primary aim is to attack your self-esteem.
It would be difficult to become successful if you don’t have confidence and faith in yourself. The shamer knows that without those two things, it’s almost impossible to accomplish your goals. This is why I call them mind bullies because they try to mentally or emotionally wear you down.
Shamers are also known for continuously projecting their own prejudices, deadly beliefs, and opinions on others. If you entertain their company for too long, their fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs will soon become your own.
This is what makes them the most dangerous of all, because they feed off the misery of others. You can’t afford to ever be around a shamer. So don’t allow yourself to even get close to them.
It is often said that you will only be as successful as the five people you hang around the most. If this statement is true, you can’t afford to invest your time in folks who are harmful to you and the goals you are working so hard to achieve.
By avoiding these three types of toxic people, you will not only increase your odds of success, you will ensure continued growth in every area of your life.
How to become successful
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