How To Install the Kodi Slamious Build

If you’re looking to install the Slamious build on your Kodi, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide you a step-by-step tutorial on how to download and install this popular build from the Slamious Repository. The process may seem lengthy, but it’s pretty straightforward.

We’ve also included screenshots to make this guide even easier to follow.

How To Install the Kodi Slamious Build

Open up the Kodi app and click on the Settings icon.

Choose System.

Head down to the Add-ons tab and enable Unknown Sources. You need to turn this ON so that you can download and install third-party files into your Kodi.

When this warning shows up, simply click Yes to confirm your decision.

Head back to the Settings page and select File Manager.

Tap on Add Source.

This will open up a prompt. Click on the <None> option so you can add a file source.

Type in the URL before hitting the OK button.

Give the media source a name. In our case, we simply named it “repo,” but you can name it anything you want. Once done, tap OK.

Press back until you’re once again in the Settings screen. This time, select Add-ons.

Tap on Install from zip file.

Select the name you gave to your media source. In our case, we’ll click on “repo.”

Select the Slamious Repo zip file.

Wait a couple of minutes for the Repo to finish installing. You’ll know when it’s done because a banner notification will appear on your screen. Then, click Install from repository.

Select Slamious Repo.

Go to Program add-ons.

Tap on Slamious Wizard.

This will open up the build’s Wizard. Simply click on the Install button.

Wait a while for the installation process to finish. Another banner should appear on your screen once the installation was successful.

From there, a prompt relaying all the build’s latest updates should appear. Simpy dismiss it.

Choose which settings you want to enable and then click Continue.

Tap on Build Menu.

Select the first build on the list—Slamious 18 (v6.2).

Choose Standard Install.

When this prompt appears, tap on Yes, Install.

Wait for it to finish downloading and installing.

Then, the Slamious Wizard will ask if you want to install a theme. Tap on Install Theme to confirm.

Choose which theme you want to go for. We went for the Blue Theme option.

Wait for the theme to finish downloading.

Go ahead and Force Close the Kodi app.

Relaunch the Kodi app. You should see that the interface has completely changed.

Several prompts like this one will appear from here. Click Yes.

Click Yes again to adjust the build’s language and region.

Choose your preferred language.

If you’re comfortable with your geolocation being turned on, click Yes.

Tap I Agree for this disclaimer.

And you’re all set! The Slamious Build has successfully been set up and installed on your Kodi. Wait a couple of minutes for all the add-ons to finish installing first before diving in, though.

If you ever run into any issues or if you get confused on what to do next, you can refer back to this guide at any time. With the Slamious build, you can stream and enjoy a variety of movies, TV shows, and other forms of entertainment. Enjoy!

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