Whether you’re trying to join a Discord server to become an admin of a gaming community or for occasional chats with a group of friends or colleagues, getting the Invite Invalid error on Discord is annoying. Even when you don’t get an error message, many users report that some invitation links sometimes don’t work at all.
There can be a few different reasons for this issue on Discord. We’ll go over every possible reason why your Discord invites aren’t working, as well as how to fix them.
Reason 1: Your Discord Invite Expired
You’ve received an invitation link, but instead of landing on the right server’s page, you see a message that the invite’s invalid. The most common reason for this is that the Discord invite has passed its expiration date.
When sending out Discord invites, users can customize them and change the expiration date to anything from 30 mins to never. If the server owner didn’t set any custom expiration date for the Discord invite, it’ll expire in 24 hours by default. If your Discord link has passed its expiration date, you won’t be able to use it to join the server.
Another reason times could be the number of times users can click on the link before it expires. If that number’s been exceeded, you cannot join the server.
How to Fix the Expired Invitation Link on Discord
There’s no way you can check your Discord invite whether it’s expired or not. The only way to fix this is to contact the server owner who sent you the link and ask them to send you a new one.
Reason 2: Your Discord Invite Code’s Invalid
You can join a Discord server via a link sent to you or via an invite code. You can find some invite codes for popular Discord servers listed online. Remember that these codes are case-sensitive. If you’ve used the wrong capitalization in one or more characters, your link will appear invalid and you won’t be able to join the server.
How to Fix the Invite Invalid Error on Discord
Double-check the invite code that you’re using and the way you spell it. For example, the two codes 27sbuy3G and 27sBUy3G will be treated as two unique codes, and only one of them will work for the server.
Reason 3: The Server’s Owner Revoked Your Invite Link
One of the reasons your Discord invite may be invalid can be that the server’s owner revoked the link from the active invites list in the server’s settings. Maybe they decided they wanted to keep the server private or there was something wrong with this particular invitation link.
How to Fix the Revoked Discord Invite
There’s no way to tell if the invitation link you’re trying to use is still active or has been revoked. The only way to fix this is to ask the server’s owner to send you a new Discord invite to join the server.
Reason 4: You’ve Exceeded Your Discord Servers Limit
Discord has a limit on how many servers one user can be a member of at once. The maximum number of servers that you can join is 100. If you’re already at 100, you won’t be able to join another server. So if you’re getting the Invite Invalid error when trying to join a server, check how many servers you’ve joined.
How to Fix the Discord’s Max Number of Servers Error
To join a new server again, you’ll need to leave one of the existing servers on your list. Open the Discord app and find the server that you want to leave. Open the server’s menu and select Leave Server.
You’ll see the confirmation box pop up. Select Leave Server to confirm.
After that, try using the Discord invite again. You should then be able to join the server.
Reason 5: You’re Banned from the Discord Server
Finally, Discord could ban you from the server you’re trying to join. This is probably the most difficult one to fix, as there must be a pretty serious reason why the server’s owner would block you.
Users can get banned from a singular server or from the Discord app altogether if they violate Discord’s Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, use a suspicious IP address to access Discord’s servers, or try to spread spam. There can be other reasons why you may get banned from a Discord’s server, like violating certain rules set by the server’s owner.
Some server owners set those rules to ensure everyone plays nice and doesn’t accidentally insult other users by displaying offensive behavior online or use bad words in chats.
Note that when you get banned from a server on Discord, your IP address gets banned, not just your account or the device you’re using. That means that if you try to access the same server from a different device, you still won’t be able to join it as the IP address of your home router’s internet connection is still banned.
How to Lift the Server Ban on Discord
To join the server again, you need to contact the server’s owner and ask them to unban you. Do this via the server’s settings. Once Discord lifts the ban, you can use the same invite link to join the server on Discord.
If this doesn’t seem possible, you can try using a proxy server to circumvent the IP ban. However, that’s not a recommended method and it won’t always work.
Did You Find the Solution?
These are the most common problems people encounter when trying to join a server using Discord invites. After you go over these reasons one by one and try all the fixes we covered, you should find the problem with your Discord invite. See if it can be fixed or try to get a new Discord invite to join the server.
Have you ever come across a similar problem on Discord? Why couldn’t you join the server and what did you do to fix it? Share your experience with Discord invites in the comments section below.
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