The latest Telegram update improves how users interact with webpages, mini apps, and stories. The newest app version has an updated in-app browser, mini app store, weather widget, story covers, and front flash for video messages.
Telegram’s in-app browser now sports the tab functionality of standalone web browsers. Minimizing a web page moves it to a bottom bar accessible anywhere in the Telegram app. Users can minimize multiple web pages to the bottom bar and return to read them later.
There’s also a new bookmark feature in the browser. Bookmarking a web page adds the website’s link to the “Saved Messages” folder.
The “Apps” tab in Telegram Search is an app store designed to help users find popular and previously-used games and services. There’s more: app preview pages now support screenshots and video demos. App developers can now include marketing materials, messages, and other app details.
Additionally, Telegram users can now share content (leaderboards, AI-generated pictures, etc.) from mini apps to stories‚ which also received new features.

Stories now have an animated weather widget/sticker that auto-switches between Celsius and Fahrenheit depending on the viewers’ device settings. Secondly, users can choose a cover photo or thumbnail for video stories. Telegram calls it a “Story Cover.”
Telegram also refined video messages to include a front flash that brightens the user’s screen when recording in the dark. These features are included in the latest update that rolled out globally to all users. If you don’t yet have these features, update Telegram in your device’s app store and check again.
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