Category Archives: Motivation

How to Find Positivity Living in a Negative World (2020)

Learn how to find positivity despite the negativity that seems to be everywhere. For some of us, recent events have made it difficult to have positivity and stay hopeful about the future. Not only is negativity around us, but it is human nature to put more emphasis on negative events than on positive events. This negativity bias […]

Here’s Why Setting Goals Makes You Anxious and What To Do About It

Have you ever felt that your dreams are often too big that there’s no way they will ever come true? You’re not alone. A good number of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions after only a week. It could be one of the reasons why you decided to ditch making one this year. Although it’s true […]

How To Use The Butterfly Effect To Create Massive Change In Your Life

The butterfly effect metaphor doesn’t just make a good storyline – the same principle can also help you make big changes in life. Keep reading to discover how. You can’t change what people are without destroying who they were. The butterfly effect theory states that when a butterfly moves its wings, it can cause a […]

How to Get Better at Critical Thinking

Discover how to become a critical thinker and make better decisions. Learn how to improve the quality of your thinking. Sadly, many people don’t realize that having critical thinking skills does not mean thinking critically of themselves or others. To be a critical thinker means using rationality and evidence in problem-solving and decision-making. Most of […]

15 Quick Ways to Get Good Vibes Throughout The Day

There are a lot of sneaky good vibe snatchers out there, just waiting to pounce when you least expect it. Perhaps you’re finally about to pull into a parking space, but some evil person with advanced maneuvering skills somehow slides in there first. Maybe you’ve just noticed that coffee stain smack dab on the front […]