Tag Archives: climate change

The cost of building the perfect wave

The cost of building the perfect wave

Surf pools’ proponents frequently point to the far larger amount of water golf courses consume to argue that opposing the pools on grounds of their water use is misguided.  PSSC, the first of the area’s three planned surf clubs to open, requires an estimated 3 million gallons per year to fill its pool; the proposed […]

This grim but revolutionary DNA technology is changing how we respond to mass disasters

This grim but revolutionary DNA technology is changing how we respond to mass disasters

Meanwhile, after the fires, Filipino families faced particularly stark barriers to getting information about financial support, government assistance, housing, and DNA testing. Filipinos make up about 25% of Hawaii’s population and 40% of its workers in the tourism industry. They also make up 46% of undocumented residents in Hawaii—more than any other group. Some encountered […]

Roundtables – How China Got Ahead on EVs

Roundtables – How China Got Ahead on EVs

How China Got Ahead on EVs Speakers: Zeyi Yang, China reporter, Amanda Silverman, Features & investigations editor, and Abby Ivory-Ganja, Sr engagement editor In the race to produce and sell more electric vehicles, China has emerged as the unexpected winner. If you visit Shanghai or Shenzhen today, it feels like half of the cars running […]

Why shiny, high-tech solutions won’t solve one of Africa’s worst crises

Why shiny, high-tech solutions won’t solve one of Africa’s worst crises

Hainikoye hits Accept and a young woman greets him in Hausa, a gravelly language spoken across West Africa’s Sahel region. She has three new cows, and wants to know: Does he have advice on getting them through the lean season? Hainikoye—a twentysomething agronomist who has “followed animals,” as Sahelians refer to herding, since he first […]

Roundtables – Building a Cleaner Future: Better Batteries and Their Materials

Roundtables – Building a Cleaner Future: Better Batteries and Their Materials

The latest iteration of a legacy Founded at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1899, MIT Technology Review is a world-renowned, independent media company whose insight, analysis, reviews, interviews and live events explain the newest technologies and their commercial, social and political impact. How to become successful For more technology Updates Latest Jobs in Pakistan […]

This unlikely fuel could power cleaner trucks and ships

This unlikely fuel could power cleaner trucks and ships

Shipping out Companies trying to cut their climate impacts in the marine shipping sector are looking to alternative fuels, including methanol and ammonia. Amogy’s system could be a better option than combustion engines, though, since it would limit pollution that can trap heat in the atmosphere and harm human health and the environment.  I’ll note […]

The newest crop found on the farm? Solar panels.

The newest crop found on the farm? Solar panels.

The approach could be a boon for both energy generation and crop production. Less direct sunlight helps keep plants cooler during the day, allowing them to retain more moisture and thus require less watering. Having plants underneath the solar panels also reduces the amount of heat reflected by the ground, which keeps the panels cooler […]

Who’s responsible for climate change? Three charts explain.

Who’s responsible for climate change? Three charts explain.

Central to these negotiations is a question: Who is responsible for climate change? The issue is complicated, but a few pieces of data about current and past emissions can begin to answer it.  Greenhouse-gas emissions reached their highest-ever level in 2021, with global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels topping 36 billion metric tons. China […]

China is betting big on another gas engine alternative: methanol cars

China is betting big on another gas engine alternative: methanol cars

Today, the leading company making methanol from carbon dioxide is Carbon Recycling International, an Icelandic company. Geely invested in CRI in 2015, and they have partnered to build the world’s largest CO2-to-fuel factory in China. When it’s running, it could recycle 160,000 tons of CO2 emissions from steel plants every year.  The potential for clean […]

Plus: The system behind organ transplants is in urgent need of overhaul

Plus: The system behind organ transplants is in urgent need of overhaul

The must-reads I’ve combed the internet to find you today’s most fun/important/scary/fascinating stories about technology. 1 Chipmakers are already scrapping for the $52 billion CHIPS fundingWhile the cash is a welcome boost to the industry, the struggle is far from over. (FT $) 2 The software that manages organ transplants is dangerously outdatedExasperated transplant doctors […]