Tag Archives: facebook

Plus: Why we need smarter cities and not “smart cities”

Plus: Why we need smarter cities and not “smart cities”

The ad reads like an offer of salvation: Cancer kills many people. But there is hope in Apatone, a proprietary vitamin C–based mixture, that is “KILLING cancer.” The substance, an unproven treatment that is not approved by the FDA, is not available in the United States. If you want Apatone, the ad suggests, you need […]

Everything you need to know about the Facebook data leak

The news: The personal data of 533 million Facebook users in more than 106 countries was found to be freely available online last weekend. The data trove, uncovered by security researcher Alon Gal, includes phone numbers, email addresses, hometowns, full names, and birth dates. Initially, Facebook claimed that the data leak was previously reported on in 2019 […]

Mark Zuckerberg still won’t address the root cause of Facebook’s misinformation problem

As Hao wrote, a study from New York University of partisan publishers’ Facebook pages found “those that regularly posted political misinformation received the most engagement in the lead-up to the 2020 US presidential election and the Capitol riots.”  Zuckerberg, after saying that “a bunch of inaccurate things” about Facebook’s incentives for allowing and amplifying misinformation […]

What we can learn from the Facebook-Australia news debacle

Democracies around the world are all mired in one crisis or another, which is why measures of their health are trending in the wrong direction. Many look at the decline of the news industry as one contributing factor. No wonder, then, that figuring out how to pay for journalism is an urgent issue, and some […]