Tag Archives: machine learning

This AI-powered “black-box” could make surgery safer

This AI-powered “black-box” could make surgery safer

While most algorithms operate near perfectly on their own, Peter Grantcharov explains that the OR black box is still not fully autonomous. For example, it’s difficult to capture audio through ceiling mikes and thus get a reliable transcript to document whether every element of the surgical safety checklist was completed; he estimates that this algorithm […]

Astronomers using AI to prepare for ton of data from new telescopes

Astronomers using AI to prepare for ton of data from new telescopes

It’s a problem that will be repeated in other places over the coming decade. As astronomers construct giant cameras to image the entire sky and launch infrared telescopes to hunt for distant planets, they will collect data on unprecedented scales.  “We really are not ready for that, and we should all be freaking out,” says […]

How machine learning might improve earthquake prediction

How machine learning might improve earthquake prediction

Instances of regular intervals between earthquakes of similar magnitudes have been noted in other places, including Hawaii, but these are the exception, not the rule. Far more often, recurrence intervals are given as averages with large margins of error. For areas prone to large earthquakes, these intervals can be on the scale of hundreds of […]

Google’s new AI can hear a snippet of song—and then keep on playing

Google’s new AI can hear a snippet of song—and then keep on playing

A new AI system can create natural-sounding speech and music after being prompted with a few seconds of audio. AudioLM, developed by Google researchers, generates audio that fits the style of the prompt, including complex sounds like piano music, or people speaking, in a way that is almost indistinguishable from the original recording. The technique […]

What is an “algorithm”? It depends whom you ask

Similarly, New York City is considering Int 1894, a law that would introduce mandatory audits of “automated employment decision tools,” defined as “any system whose function is governed by statistical theory, or systems whose parameters are defined by such systems.” Notably, both bills mandate audits but provide only high-level guidelines on what an audit is. […]