Tag Archives: misinformation

Propagandists are using AI too

Propagandists are using AI too

OpenAI’s adversarial threat report should be a prelude to more robust data sharing moving forward. Where AI is concerned, independent researchers have begun to assemble databases of misuse—like the AI Incident Database and the Political Deepfakes Incident Database—to allow researchers to compare different types of misuse and track how misuse changes over time. But it […]

Homophobic misinformation is making it harder to contain the spread of monkeypox

Homophobic misinformation is making it harder to contain the spread of monkeypox

That job is being made harder by false, often homophobic theories that are spreading on all major social media platforms, according to research carried out for MIT Technology Review by the Center for Countering Digital Hate. These false claims are making it harder to convince the public that monkeypox can affect everyone, and they could […]

How to avoid sharing bad information about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

How to avoid sharing bad information about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Already, bad information about the Russian invasion has found large audiences on platforms fundamentally designed to promote content that gets engagement. On TikTok, a 2016 video of a training exercise was repurposed to create the false impression that Russian soldiers were parachuting into Ukraine; it was viewed millions of times. A mistranslation of a statement […]

Mark Zuckerberg still won’t address the root cause of Facebook’s misinformation problem

As Hao wrote, a study from New York University of partisan publishers’ Facebook pages found “those that regularly posted political misinformation received the most engagement in the lead-up to the 2020 US presidential election and the Capitol riots.”  Zuckerberg, after saying that “a bunch of inaccurate things” about Facebook’s incentives for allowing and amplifying misinformation […]