Tag Archives: space

The moon is just the beginning for this waterless concrete

Building a home base on the moon will demand a steep supply of moon-based infrastructure: launch pads, shelter, and radiation blockers. But shipping Earth-based concrete to the lunar surface bears a hefty price tag. Sending just 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of material to the moon costs roughly $1.2 million, says Ali Kazemian, a robotic construction […]

This futuristic space habitat is designed to self-assemble in orbit

There’s another way to make something compact for launch: inflate it in orbit. NASA has already done this—its experimental BEAM habitat, which is connected to the ISS, launched in 2016 and has stored cargo. Sierra Space wants to make inflatable habitats as large as a three-story building, although they’ve yet to test these designs in […]

How the James Webb Space Telescope broke the universe

How the James Webb Space Telescope broke the universe

But the speed at which JWST has made discoveries is due to more than its intrinsic capabilities. Astronomers prepared for years for the observations it would make, developing algorithms that can rapidly turn its data into usable information. Much of the data is open access, allowing the astronomical community to comb through it almost as […]

How the internet’s efforts to become more hospitable to visually-impaired users aren’t working

How the internet’s efforts to become more hospitable to visually-impaired users aren’t working

NASA has released the second set of images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope, revealing galaxies, planets, and stars in unprecedented detail. The new pictures include an incredible study of the atmosphere of a gas giant planet 1,000 light-years from Earth, called WASP-96 b, a dying star throwing off its outer layers, and an […]

US astronomers want a giant telescope to hunt for new Earth-like planets

Using spectroscopy, which examines how matter and light interact, astronomers will now begin to study the atmospheres of large, hot worlds for evidence of biosignatures, or signs of life on other planets. The second new priority announced in the report: seeking to understand what happened during the earliest moments of our universe by probing the […]

NASA’s new rovers will be a fleet of mobile robots that work together

Onboard, each rover will carry a small computer, a wireless radio, and a stereo camera to capture 3D imagery. While none of them alone will be able to collect as much data as a larger one would, deploying several at once could reduce the risk of a catastrophic mission failure. CADRE was developed inside NASA’s […]

This NASA spacecraft is on its way to Jupiter’s mysterious asteroid swarms

Lucy will take black-and-white and color images, and use a diamond beam splitter to shine far-infrared light at the asteroids to take their temperature and make maps of their surface. It will also collect other measurements as it flies by. This data could help scientists understand how the planets may have formed. Sarah Dodson-Robinson, an […]

The moon didn’t die as early as we thought

Using isotope dating and a technique based on lunar crater chronology, which involves estimating the age of an object in space in part by counting the craters on its surface, the team determined that lava flowed in Oceanus Procellarum as recently as 2 billion years ago.   Chang’e 5 was China’s first lunar sample-return mission and the first probe to bring […]

Space policy is finally moving into the 21st century

There’s never been more happening in space than there is today. Commercial activity has exploded over the past five years as private space companies have launched rockets, put satellites into orbit, and bid on missions to the moon.   But some experts worry this surge of activity is getting too far ahead of international agreements governing who can do what in space. Most such policies were […]

This AI could predict 10 years of scientific priorities—if we let it

The survey committee, which receives input from a host of smaller panels, takes into account a gargantuan amount of information to create research strategies. Although the Academies won’t release the committee’s final recommendation to NASA for a few more weeks, scientists are itching to know which of their questions will make it in, and which will be […]